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The Gospel says that the angels serve Jesus...We would take away a significant part of the Gospel if we left aside these beings sent by God to announce his presence among us and be a sign of that presence.

Angelus Address
St Peters Square
1 March 2009


The Lord is ever close and active in humanity’s history and accompanies us with the unique presence of his Angels, whom today the Church venerates as ‘Guardian Angels’, that is, ministers of the divine care for every human being. From the beginning until the hour of death, human life is surrounded by their constant protection.

Angelus Address
St. Peter's Square
2 October 2011


The Lord is always near and active in human history, and follows us with the unique presence of his angels, that today the Church venerates as ‘guardian’; in other words, those who minister God’s care for every man. From the beginning until death, human life is surrounded by their constant protection.

Angelus Address
Vatican City
2 October 2011


‘Angel’ means ‘one who is sent.’ Let us call upon them often, that they sustain us in the task of following Jesus to the point of identifying ourselves with him.

Angelus Address
1st March 2009


What is an Angel? Sacred Scripture and the Church's tradition enable us to discern two aspects. On the one hand, the Angel is a creature who stands before God, oriented to God with his whole being. All three names of the Archangels end with the word "El", which means "God". God is inscribed in their names, in their nature. Their true nature is existing in his sight and for him. In this very way the second aspect that characterizes Angels is also explained: they are God's messengers. They bring God to men, they open heaven and thus open earth.

Episcopal Ordination
St. Peter's Basilica
29 September 2007


Because they (the angels) are with God, they can also be very close to man. Indeed, God is closer to each one of us than we ourselves are. The Angels speak to man of what constitutes his true being, of what in his life is so often concealed and buried. They bring him back to himself, touching him on God's behalf.

Episcopal Ordination
St Peter's Basilica
29 September 2007


Against this dark and shadowy figure (Satan) who dared tempt the Lord, stand the angels, luminous and mysterious beings" who are "counterpoints to Satan".
'Angel' means 'messenger'. Throughout the Old Testament we find these figures who, in the name of God, help and guide mankind.
At the beginning of the New Testament Gabriel is sent to announce ... the joyful events that begin our salvation. ... A choir of angels brings the shepherds the good news of the birth of the Saviour, and it is angels who announce to the women the joyous news of His resurrection.
If we were to disregard these beings sent by God we would remove a considerable portion of the Gospel.
They announce His presence among us and are a sign thereof. Let us, then, call upon them often that they may support us in the task of following Jesus and identifying ourselves with Him.

First Sunday of Lent
1 March 2009


Let us trustingly invoke their help…The invisible presence of these blessed spirits brings us great help and consolation: they walk at our side and protect us in all circumstances, they defend us from danger, and to them we can turn at any moment. Many saints established bonds of real friendship with the angels, and numerous episodes testify to their assistance on particular occasions. Angels are sent by God 'to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation' as the Letter to the Hebrews says, hence they are a real help to us on the pilgrimage towards the heavenly homeland.

Farewell; Apostolic Palace of Castelgandolfo,
29 SEP 2008