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Feast, Assumption

The atmosphere of today's celebration is steeped in paschal joy. "Today", the antiphon of the Magnificat says, "the Virgin Mary was taken up to Heaven. Rejoice, for she reigns with Christ for ever. Alleluia". This proclamation speaks to us of an event that is utterly unique and extraordinary, yet destined to fill the heart of every human being with hope and happiness. Mary is indeed the first fruit of the new humanity, the creature in whom the mystery of Christ - his Incarnation, death, Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven - has already fully taken effect, redeeming her from death and conveying her, body and soul, to the Kingdom of immortal life.

St Thomas of Villanova Parish
Castel Gandolfo
15 August 2008

Feast, Assumption

Contemplating Mary’s assumption and knowing that we, too, are destined for eternity fills believers with peace and serenity even when life becomes difficult.

Castel Gandolfo
16 August 2006

Feast, Assumption

Our first parents were defeated by the Evil One; in the fullness of time, Jesus, the new Adam, and Mary, the new Eve, were to triumph over the enemy once and for all, and this is the joy of this day! With Jesus' victory over evil, inner and physical death are also defeated.

Angelus Address
Castel Gandolfo
15 August 2011

Feast, Assumption

Today, on the Solemnity of the Assumption into Heaven of the Mother of God, we celebrate the passage from the earthly condition to heavenly blessedness of the One who engendered in the flesh and received in faith the Lord of Life.

Angelus Address
Castel Gandolfo
15 August 2010

Feast, Assumption

Mary assumed into Heaven points out to us the final destination of our earthly pilgrimage. She reminds us that our whole being - spirit, soul and body - is destined for fullness of life; that those who live and die in love of God and of their neighbor will be transfigured in the image of the glorious Body of the Risen Christ; that the Lord will cast down the proud and exalt the humble (cf. Lk 1: 51-52). With the mystery of her Assumption Our Lady proclaims this eternally. May you be praised for ever, O Virgin Mary! Pray the Lord for us.

Angelus Address
Castel Gandolfo
15 August 2008

Feast, Assumption

In the face of the ample and diversified panorama of human fears, the word of God is clear: He who 'fears' the Lord is 'not afraid.' The fear of God, which the Scriptures define as the 'beginning of true wisdom,' coincides with faith in God, with the sacred respect for his authority over life and the world. Being 'without the fear of God' is equivalent to putting ourselves in his place, feeling ourselves to be masters of good and evil, of life and death…But he who fears God feels interiorly the security of a child in the arms of his mother.

Angelus Address
St Peter's Square
22 June 2008

Feast, Assumption

The Feast of the Assumption is a day of joy. God has won. Love has won. It has won life. Love has shown that it is stronger than death, that God possesses the true strength and that his strength is goodness and love.

Parish Church
Castle Gondolfo
15 August 2005

Feast, Assumption

Mary was taken up body and soul into Heaven: there is even room in God for the body.
Heaven is no longer a very remote sphere unknown to us.

Parish Church of Castel Gandolfo
Feast of the Assumption
15 August 2005


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