Selected quotes of Pope Benedict XVI offered daily for prayer and reflection….

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To love

Seeing with the eyes of Christ, I can give to others much more than their outward necessities; I can give them the look of love which they crave.

Deus Caritas Est
Encyclical Letter on God's Love

To love

Love, in fact, means letting go of oneself, giving oneself, not wanting to possess oneself, but becoming free from oneself: not retiring into oneself (what will become of me?) but looking ahead, towards the other – towards God and towards those that he sends to me.

St Peter's Square
24th World Youth Day
5 April 2009

To love

We were made to receive love, and we have. Every day we should thank God for the love we have already known. For the love that has made us who we are. The love that is shown us what is truly important in life.
We need to thank the Lord for the love we have received from our families, our friends, our teachers, and all those people in our lives who have helped us to realize how precious we are in their eyes, and in the eyes of God.
We were also made to give love, to make it the inspiration for all we do, and the most enduring thing in our lives.

Westminster Cathedral
London, England
18 September 2010

To love

The definitive experience of true love (which) by its nature is marked by trust, seeks the good of the beloved and looks to the eternal.

Encyclical Letter
'Deus Caritas Est'

To love

Every day we have to choose to love, and this requires help, the help that comes from Christ, from prayer and from the wisdom found in his word, and from the grace which he bestows on us in the sacraments of his Church.

Address to Youth
Westminster Cathedral
London, England
18 September 2010

To love

I invite everyone… to serve the Lord with a sincere heart, that we may experience the immense love He has for us, which makes it possible to love all mankind without exception.

Comments after Beatification
Br. Leopoldo Sanchez Marquez de Alpandeire
12 September 2010

To love

Friendship is one of the most noble and exalted human sentiments, which divine Grace purifies and transfigures.

General Audience
Paul VI Audience Hall
15 September 2010

To love

Jesus Christ will make us free to love as He loves us, and to build a reconciled world. For on this Cross, Jesus took upon Himself the weight of all the sufferings and injustices of our humanity.

Angelus Address
Lourdes, France
14 September 2008


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